Vocational training at HLB Stückmann
You would like to do a sound and varied vocational training? Stückmann is the right place for you! From the tax and legal sector to IT and office assistance, we offer you a wide range of opportunities for a practical and fun start to your career.

This makes
you a real
asset to us!
You already have a pretty concrete idea of what you want to do professionally. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You are open and curious because you always want to further your personal development. You appreciate real team spirit and joint success. You always want to find the best solutions to challenges. Wonderful, we look forward to meeting you and your potential!
Assuming responsibility, embracing sustainability
As a company with its roots in Bielefeld, we feel a close bond with our staff, our clients and the region of East Westphalia-Lippe. It is therefore a matter of course for us to assume responsibility and to commit ourselves to it with lasting dedication.
Our staff are the heart of our company and we offer them many important building blocks of a fulfilling professional life, from long-term cooperation and excellent working conditions to diverse vocational training and further education opportunities. Similarly, we already support our trainees at the start of their careers by providing intensive mentoring. We are open to the wishes of our staff, encourage them to creatively realise their visions, and take care of their work-life balance by offering many different options. Trust, team spirit and appreciation are tangible and palpable at all times.
We want to make an important contribution to the success of our clients, and our trainees already play their part in this. With highly qualified staff and a great deal of expertise, we do not provide them with ready-made solutions, but with results that are individually tailored to their needs. Reliability, sincerity and communication based on trust at eye level are further guarantees for a cooperation that provides security. The closer and more emphatic the relationships with our clients are, the more effectively and sustainably we can implement our tasks for them.
The city of Bielefeld and the region of East Westphalia are not only the origin of our company, but have been our home to this day. Since it has already bestowed a lot on us and continues to do so, we would also like to give something back. That's why we support the local people with a variety of social and cultural commitments and fundraising campaigns and help to ensure that the region of East Westphalia-Lippe remains worth living in and worth loving. We also contribute to the transfer of knowledge in various ways in order to sustainably promote the region as a university and business location.

What happens after your vocational training?
We generally like to keep our trainees employed with us after they have completed their vocational training, so we are very interested in working together as equals for many years to come. This includes providing you with the scope for your own ideas and actively supporting you in getting on in your career. This way you can gradually enhance your skills with us step by step and shape your professional life according to your wishes. Stückmann as an employer