HLB Stückmann has engaged in a social project by hosting a company-internal typification campaign of several hours for the German Bone Marrow Donation (DKMS)
In the context of the international HLB Community Day on 7 June, the Bielefeld-based law firm HLB Stückmann also engaged in the fight against leukaemia and promoted a company-internal typification campaign for more social commitment for German Bone Marrow Donation (DKMS).
The Community Day is an initiative of the globally acting, London-based network HLB International celebrating its 50th anniversary these days. HLB Germany, with currently 21 member companies, is also part of HLB International. Partners and employees of law firms around the world take a day to engage in social projects at their locations.
HLB Stückmann in Bielefeld invited all employees and their families to register for stem cell donation of DKMS on that day. Over several hours, buccal swabs were taken, properly prepared for transport and finally sent to DKMS. “For our contribution to the HLB Community Day, choosing a project of certain significance for our company was particularly important to us. We decided to support DKMS because we hope to make a difference and to give people hope, who are struggling with such a serious disease” – Dietmar Engel, Managing Partner at HLB Stückmann.
The campaign was organised and coordinated by the Marketing department at Stückmann. Beforehand, they were briefed in detail by DKMS for this campaign: “We have been very happy about the enquiry by HLB Stückmann and were pleased to support the organisers with all required material and information for realising the typification campaign,” Maria Schmidt, the responsible project manager at DKMS, says gratefully and thanks the employees of HLB Stückmann for their commitment.
The prerequisites for typification at companies to register new stem cell donors include approval of the management and possibly the works council, and assumption of the registration expenses. The registration takes place during working hours and can also be accompanied by employees of DKMS, depending on the company’s size. DKMS also provides support and information for organising and realising typification campaigns for companies with shift work.
HLB Stückmann would like to thank everybody who participated and would also like to take this opportunity to call for more social commitment for such projects!

German Bone Marrow Donation (DKMS)
DKMS gemeinnützige GmbH is a German non-profit organisation based in Tübingen. The main field of activity is the support of bone marrow donations for improving the chances of recovery of patients suffering from the life-threatening disease of the blood-forming system.